People Project
Catherine King Fine Art
People Project
People Project - Artown for Midtown - phase 1
Digital canvases placing People Project artworks into environments.
Becoming a Woman - People Project - Reno is Artown
Artists: Jessica L. Schneider / Jolinda Smith
located at Junkee Clothing Exchange
Bok-Bok - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artist: RobRoy Heinstand III
Located at Aces Tattoo
Connection - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artist: Judith Lady-Hull
located at Good Luck Macbeth
Bertha (the Moon & Stars) - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artist: Sunshine Schneider
located at Two Chicks
Disc-O-Larry - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artists: Paul Doege, Eric Jackson, Ian Yount
located at Recycled Records
Rain Mother - The People Project - Reno is Artown
Artist: Mack Nez Johnson Jr. (mouth artist)
located at Recycled Furniture Store
The Waldorf Goddess - The People Project - Reno is Artown
Artists: the Waldorf School
located at Art N Soul
the Living Stone - People Project - Reno is Artown
Artist: Erik Burke
located at Living Stone Churches
Fallen From Grace - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artist: Mike Curatello
located at Lasting Dose Tattoo & Art Collective
Degeration - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artist: Archie Wood
located at Two Chicks
Wander Lust - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artist: Lindy Pastor
located at Salty, Savory, Sweet, Spices & Teas
Poetry - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artist: Ester Dunaway
located at PolyEsters
Beginning to Fly - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artists: Trez Benzley,/Caliber Salon
located at Caliper Salon
Swans of Sweetness and Sin - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artists: the Girls of Chocolate Walrus
located at Chocolate Walrus
Home Means Nevada - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artists: Jason Champion, Angela Watson
located at Black Hole Body Piercing & Fine Jewelry
Mr & Mrs Sweet - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artist: Christina Perry
located at Sierra Nevada Chocolate
Book Man - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artists: Sundance Books and Music
location: Sundance Books & Music
Biomechanical - the People Project - Reno is Artown
Artist: Jon McCan
located at Shea's Tavern
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